Privacy Notice “”

Last updated 03.31.2022
Cares for your personal data (“personal data”) and does everything possible to protect it. This Privacy Notice ("Notice") is a document that contains up-to-date information related to your privacy rights.
In relation to us, you can be either a user, client, potential client and contractor.
UserThis is any visitor to our website
ClientPeople who use our services
Potential clientIt is the user who shows interest in our product or service
ContractorThis is the performer of our clients' orders

What is a Privacy Notice?

Privacy Notice is a document, practically a statement of us as a Business (Controller) to you (data subject) that describes how we collect, use, retain and disclose personal data that we gather via and our mobile application(s).
Our Notice covers our website and Services.

Why do you need to read it?

It is important to us that you understand how the data is handled and what your privacy rights are.

Information about the controller / business and contacts

Email: — for general questions

Your privacy rights.

You, as subjects of personal data, have some specific privacy rights. To exercise them, write us an email at
Your rights vary depending on the laws that apply to you, but may include:
Right to accessYou can request an explanation of the processing of your personal data.
New York
North Carolina
Right to rectificationYou can change the information if it is inaccurate or incomplete.
New York
North Carolina
Right to deletionYou can send us a request to delete your personal data from our systems.
New York
North Carolina
Right to restrictionYou may partially or completely prohibit us from processing your personal data.
New York
Right to portabilityYou can request all the data that you provided to us, as well as request to transfer data to another controller.
New York
North Carolina
Right to Opt-OutThe right to prohibit the sharing or selling of your data.
New York
North Carolina
Right Against Automated Decision MakingYou have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated means, if the decision produces legal effects concerning you or significantly affects you in a similar way.
North Carolina
New York
Right to withdraw your consentYou can withdraw your consent at any default
Right to lodge a complaintIf your request was not satisfied, you can file a complaint to the regulatory default
Note:Some states do not have their own privacy laws. The rights of residents of such states are governed by U.S. federal law. If your state is not on the list, please contact
The state of Oregon(Oregon Consumer Information Protection Act)and state of Michigan(Identity Theft Protection Act (Act 452 of 2004)) do not currently have full-fledged privacy laws. However, they do have privacy requirements and the right of the data subject to opt out of advertising and other intrusive calls/messages.
Note:Depending on the state and legislative requirements we have from 30 to 60 days to exercise your request with the right to postpone it for 30 days more.

Data we process

The data we process is divided into categories: technical information and data that is provided to us.
Technical information.
When you visit our website, some data is collected automatically. We need technical data to operate, maintain, and improve our website. This includes data such as IP address, UTM parameters, geolocation, device type, browser type, cookies, user agent, user ID and data about your interaction with the website - session ID.
Data provided by User.
By default we process only technical information. See more in table:
IP address, UTM parameters, geolocation, device type, browser type, cookies, user agent, user ID and data about your interaction with the website - session ID.Smooth operation of the website
Data provided by Potential Client.
We can collect: full name, email, phone number, ZIP code, home address, start time; important features, type of project, other data that we can collect based on your individual project, technical information. See the example in table:
Full name, email, phone numberContact you
ZIP code, home addressUnderstand if we can provide services in your area, search for information about the average cost of similar services in your region
Important features, type of project, start timeProposal writing, finding contractors for services
Other data that we can collect based on your individual projectProposal writing, finding contractors for services
Email, phoneMarketing, hot calls
IP address, UTM parameters, geolocation, device type, browser type, cookies, user agent, user ID and data about your interaction with the website - session ID.Smooth operation of the website
Note:We are looking for the best specialists for your order. So that the specialists can contact you in order to take into account all your preferences, we give them some of your personal data: date and time of your application, full name, phone number, type of service, user ID, previous order history
Data provided by Client.
We can collect: full name, email, phone number, ZIP code, home address, insurance information, for whom to prepare an estimate (name, email), kind of property, start time, status of order, important features, type of project, other data that we can collect based on your individual project, technical information. See more in table:
Full name, email, phone numberContact you, provide a service
ZIP code, home addressUnderstand if we can provide services in your area, search for information about the average cost of similar services in your region
Insurance informationTo qualify quotes
Estimate details: name, email
Kind of property
To properly bill
Start time, status of orderPerformance of a contract
Other data that we can collect based on your individual project
Proposal writing, finding contractors for services
To perform the work, proposal writing, finding contractors for services
Email, phoneMarketing, letters with notification of order status
IP address, UTM parameters, geolocation, device type, browser type, cookies, user agent, user ID and data about your interaction with the website - session ID.Smooth operation of the website
Data provided by Contractors.
We can collect: name, registration number, contacts, position, business information, advertising info, payment information, technical data. See more in table:
Name, registration number, contactsConclusion and performance of the contract
Name of representative, contacts, position, business informationConclusion and performance of the contract
Payment informationContract performance
Advertising preferencesAdvertising company settings
IP address, UTM parameters, geolocation, device type, browser type, cookies, user agent, user ID and data about your interaction with the website - session ID.Smooth operation of the website
Note:some of the information from contractors we collect offline.
We store the data during the performance of the contract (during your interaction with our service) and 36 months after or until you withdraw your consent (if the processing is based on it). In this case, your data will be deleted from our servers within 30 days of your request.
Note:We do not knowingly process personal data of users under the age of 16 without consent from legal representative(s). If you are such a user, or you are a legal representative of the user, please let us know by email.

Why do we collect data?

We are committed to protecting the privacy of your information. We use the information we collect and receive to:

Sale of data

We do not sell your information. But we may transfer your personal data to some of our contractors. This is part of providing you with our services. Learn more in the next section.

Sharing and transferring of data

Your personal data is stored in our databases on servers. Our servers are located in the US (Michigan, Ohio, Virginia, Oregon, California), Brazil and Canada. We may transfer your data to our employees for the purpose of fulfilling a contract. We may also transfer your data for the following reasons:
Consent. We transfer your personal data based on your explicit consent.
Compliance with the law.
We won't disclose your personal data to third parties unless it is necessary:
Transfer to third parties.
We transfer your personal data to third parties on the basis of a public offer/ terms of service for processing on our behalf, subject to technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data.
We share your data with the service providers who, for example, help us:
In more detail:
Employees and contractors
Performance of a contract
Contact with you
Complete your payment transactions
Operate, develop, and improve our website and business
Depending on the functions performed by the contractor or employee, the set of personal data obtained differs. We apply the necessary organizational and technical safeguards. Read more in the Security section
Advertising contractorsPromotion of services in advertisingWe only transmit aggregate data. The treatment is carried out strictly according to our instructions, in which we take into account the necessary organizational and technical protection measures. If necessary, we use a data transfer agreement. Read more in the Security section
We use the following service providers:
FacebookCustomization and ease of use of the website
The data we transmit is limited in purpose and protected.
You can read about how Facebook processes personal data here
and AOL (Yahoo product)
Using online services and electronic bulletin boards
The data we transmit is limited in purpose and protected.
You can read about how Yahoo processes personal data here
TaboolaDetection and native advertising
The data we transmit is limited in purpose and protected.
You can read about how Taboola processes personal data here
GoogleAdvertising, promotion on the Internet and for analytics
The data we transmit is limited in purpose and protected.
You can read about how Google processes personal data here
HotjarDiscovering, consolidating, and communicating user needs
The data we transmit is limited in purpose and protected.
You can read about how Hotjar processes personal data here
TikTokAttracting new customers, advertising services
The data we transmit is limited in purpose and protected.
You can read about how TikTok processes personal data here
NextdoorAdvertising, service offerings
The data we transmit is limited in purpose and protected.
You can read about how Nextdoor processes personal data here


We use both physical and electronic means as well as procedural security measures to protect personal data we process. We have put in place reasonable operational and technical measures to restrict access to your data:
Such measures will help to protect your personal data from loss, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us no longer secure, please notify us immediately by contacting us in writing at

The use of cookies

We use cookies necessary for the functioning of the website. By using cookies, we receive the technical information specified in section “Data we process” and our Cookie Policy.
If you want to disable cookies, then you can find instructions for managing your browser settings at these links:

The updates of the Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice and the relationships falling under its effect are regulated by the GDPR and the privacy laws adopted in the United States, viz: Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and California Privacy Rights Act, Consumer Data Protection Act (Virginia), Protect Personal Data Privacy (Colorado), Delaware Online and Personal Privacy Protection. Existing laws and requirements for the processing of personal data are subject to change. We are honoring our obligation to keep you informed of updates to the Notice by posting the document on the website. To make sure you don't miss it, please check back regularly for updates

California legislation

We put here information for residents of California to provide you with more information about legislation and your privacy rights granted by the California Customer Privacy Act (CCPA) and California Privacy Rights Act.
Opt-out of disclosure for direct marketing purposes.
The California laws allow its residents to learn the identities of entities that received their personal data for marketing purposes and the categories of information disclosed. You may request such information by contacting us by e-mail
Please be aware that this opt-out does not prohibit our disclosure of personal data for any purpose other than direct marketing. The data we process and share may include your name, address, email address, and telephone number.
Automatic gathering of information.
We collect data that you provide to us online, and through websites of unaffiliated third parties.
Automatic gathering of information by third parties.
When you visit our websites, third parties can collect personal data about your online activities over time and across different websites pertaining to your visit to or use of our and other websites.
A business shall not sell the personal information of customers if the business has actual knowledge the customer is less than 16, unless the customer, in the case of customers at least 13 and less than 16, or the customer’s parent or guardian, in the case of customers who are less than 13, has affirmatively authorized the sale of the customer’s personal information. A business that willfully disregards the customer’s age shall be deemed to have had actual knowledge of the customer’s age. This right may be referred to as the “right to opt-in.” A business that has not received consent to sell the minor customer’s personal information shall be prohibited from selling the personal information unless the customer subsequently provides express authorization.
Do-not-track requests.
California residents visiting our websites may request that we do not automatically gather and track information pertaining to their online browsing movements across the Internet. Such requests are typically made through web browser settings that control signals or other mechanisms that provide customers the ability to exercise choice regarding the collection of personal data about an individual customer's online activities over time and across third-party websites or online services. We currently do not have the ability to honor these requests. We may modify this Notice as our abilities change.
California residents’ data protection rights.
The California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) and California Privacy Rights Act provides our users who are California residents the following additional rights:
Right to Know:
You have the right to request that we disclose certain information to you about the personal data we collected, used, disclosed, and sold about you in the past 12 months. This includes a request to know any or all of the following:
Data Portability:
You have the right to request a copy of personal information we have collected and maintained about you in the past 12 months.
Right to Deletion:
You have the right to request that we delete the personal information we collected from you and maintained, subject to certain exceptions. Please note that if you request deletion of your personal information, we may deny your request or may retain certain elements of your personal information if it is necessary for us or our service providers to:
Right to Opt-Out/In:
You have the right to opt-out of the sale of your personal information. You also have the right to opt-in to the sale of personal information. However, we do not sell your personal information.
Right to Non-Discrimination:
You have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment by us for the exercise of your CCPA privacy rights. Unless permitted by the CCPA, we will not:
Notice, the CCPA envisages some specific requirements related to the exercising of these data protection rights. Considering them we may:
Also, please be aware that we are allowed to maintain personal information after deletion requests are received as permitted by the CCPA (for instance, for the purposes of detection of security incidents, repair errors, compliance with legal obligations, transaction completion).
We will not discriminate against you if you choose to exercise your rights under the CCPA. We are accessible to customers with disabilities. Users with disabilities may also contact us by emailing to request an alternative format of this Privacy Notice.

Virginia Legislation

We put here information for residents of Virginia to provide you with more information about legislation and your privacy rights granted by the Virginia’s Customer Data Protection Act.
The VCDPA obliges some businesses to give consumers the ability to access and control personal data that the business collects about them.
Controllers and processors that comply with the verifiable parental consent requirements of COPPA shall be deemed compliant with any obligation to obtain parental consent under the CDPA.
A known child’s parent or legal guardian may invoke customer rights on behalf of the child regarding processing personal data belonging to the known child.
No Discrimination.
A controller cannot process personal data in violation of state and federal customer anti-discrimination laws or discriminate against a customer for exercising rights under the CDPA
Access Requests.
Controllers are required to establish and describe in a privacy notice one or more secure and reliable means for customers to submit a request to exercise their rights. The method used needs to consider how customers normally interact with the controller, the need for secure and reliable communication of such requests, and the ability of the controller to authenticate the requests.
Controllers are prohibited from requiring a customer to create a new account in order to exercise their customer rights but may require a customer to use an existing account.
Response time.
Controllers are required to respond to customer requests within 45 days. This time period may be extended once by 45 additional days if certain requirements are met.
No charge for information.
Controllers are required to provide information in response to a customer request free of charge, up to twice annually per customer. The controller may charge the customer a reasonable fee or decline to act on the request if requests are manifestly unfounded, excessive or repetitive, but the burden of demonstrating the manifestly unfounded, excessive or repetitive nature of the request is on the controller.
Right to opt out.
Virginia residents visiting our websites may request to Opt Out of targeted advertising, the sale of personal data or profiling. Virginia laws allow its residents to learn the identities of entities that received their personal data for marketing purposes and the categories of information disclosed. You may request such information by contacting us by e-mail

Colorado Legislation

We put here information for residents of Colorado to provide you with more information about legislation and your privacy rights granted by Colorado Privacy Act.
A controller shall not process the personal data of a known child without first obtaining consent from the child’s parent or lawful guardian
Access Requests.
Customers may exercise their rights by submitting a request using a method specified by the controller in the required privacy notice. The method must take into account:
Controllers shall not require a customer to create a new account in order to exercise customer rights. However, a controller may require a customer to use an existing account.
Response time.
In short: 45 days to respond. Controller shall inform a customer of any action taken on a request within 45 days. In certain circumstances, this 45-day window to respond may be extended by an additional 45 days.
No charge for information.
Controllers are required to provide the information requested free of charge once per year. For additional requests within a 12-month period, the controller may charge an additional amount.
Justification for failure to act.
If a controller does not take action as requested by a customer, the controller shall inform the customer within 45 days after receipt of request of the reasons for not taking action and instructions for how to appeal the decision.
Denial of requests.
Controller is not required to comply with a request to exercise any of the customer’s rights if the controller is unable to authenticate the request using commercially reasonable efforts and may request the provision of additional information reasonably necessary to authenticate the request.
Right to appeal.
Controller shall establish an internal process whereby customers may appeal a refusal to take action on a customer request. Where a customer wishes to appeal, they must do so within a reasonable time period after the controller notifies them that the controller is denying the request. The appeal process must be conspicuously available and easy to use.
Responding to an appeal.
Controller shall inform the customer of the result of the appeal as well as provide written explanation of the reasons in support of the outcome within 45 days of receipt of the appeal. This 45-day period may be extended by an additional 60 in certain circumstances.

Delaware legislation

We put here information for residents of Delaware to provide you with more information about legislation and your privacy rights granted by the Delaware Online Privacy and Protection Act.
Advertising to children.
DOPPA regulates operators only as far as they provide services or platforms that are targeted or intended to reach an audience that is composed predominantly of children. However, this does not include services or platforms that merely refer or link to another service or platform that is directed at children.
Operators can also be liable under DOPPA if, despite not directing their services or platforms to children, they have actual knowledge that children are accessing the services or platforms. In such an event, an operator cannot knowingly use, disclose, or compile the personal information of that child, nor can an operator allow another to do the same. An operator that provides a covered service or platform cannot advertise or market content that is inappropriate for children. In this regard, DOPPA provides an enumerated list of prohibited content, including alcohol, tobacco, firearms, fireworks, tanning equipment and facilities, lotteries and gambling, tattoos, drug paraphernalia, and pornography. It should be noted that an operator need not monitor the foregoing if it is using an advertising service and it ensures that such service is complying with DOPPA.
Do-not-track requests.
Delaware residents visiting our websites may request that we do not automatically gather and track information pertaining to their online browsing movements across the Internet. Such requests are typically made through web browser settings that control signals or other mechanisms that provide customers the ability to exercise choice regarding the collection of personal information about an individual customer's online activities over time and across third-party websites or online services. We currently do not have the ability to honor these requests. We may modify this Notice as our abilities change.

Nevada Legislation

We put here information for residents of Nevada to provide you with more information about legislation and your privacy rights granted by Nevada privacy law ​​Senate Bill 220.
Opt-out of the sale.
Nevada allows consumers to opt-out of the sale of “covered information” collected through a website or online service. Under the law, “covered information” includes:
Do-not-sell request.
Nevada does not require entities to include a “Do Not Sell My personal data” button or link on their websites. Instead, it mandates that entities provide consumers with an email address, a toll-free telephone number, or an Internet website to submit verified opt-out requests.
Response time.
Upon receiving a “verified consumer request” a business has 45-days, with a possible 90-day extension when “reasonably necessary” and by providing notice to the consumer, for a total of 135 days

Privacy legislation

This Privacy Notice is created and governed by applicable privacy laws. We have also referred to legislation in individual states that has not yet been enacted or has not yet entered into force to indicate your rights. You can see a list of these laws here:
* — pending bills.